Dear Mr and Mrs Sixty!! You're Thirty!!!

 We have all heard and know the quote, "Age is just a number." However, In this article, My friend Iva wants to probe more profoundly into this ideation and understand its true meaning. Across the globe, and especially in India, those who have retired - meaning those who have completed their service period in their employment, primarily government employees - typically have an age of sixty years. The government has instituted this as the retirement age. For various reasons, such as introducing new talent or rotating employment cycles to perpetuate services and the economy, they have determined that sixty is the age at which an individual should cease their services or contributions.  In return, they receive time, health and a modest amount of wealth in the form of pension as a token of gratitude for their long service. 

We all knew, mostly the parents who are employees, and suddenly one day they should stop going to work and be indolent. It's very difficult at such an age, having followed a routine in their lives with a lot of discipline and commitment to the work, to be asked to stop doing what they have always done. It's chaos at the initial stage, restlessness, confusion, anger, fear, excitement, curiosity, and many other feelings amalgamating within them. It's disheartening to see them in that state. It's just the joy of others around them celebrating the 60 years, but deep inside them , they don't like to be celebrated or at least don't enjoy that moment. 

But even these feelings will subside slowly and as part of any emotion which is temporary even this too shall pass, and people tend to be complacent and that discipline for few might loosen, and they remain cool and calm. Some of you might have had a thought that, retired people rather being calm and be in solace should they rock or shake? Should they be wild or do adventures? Do you want them to dance or start working again? " . For all such questions, Iva's thoughts are exactly those. They should rock and shake . They should do all adventures and travel.  According to Iva, 60 is god given second opportunity in life. Now, most of them who are reading might thinking when there is less chance or chance of living is diminishing day by day. Where is the point of second opportunity in life? Iva's response and thoughts are different. It's ultimately a perception. How each individual who is at age 60 or crossed 60 thinks. Like Most of them , they would have sacrificed their passions, interests or time to do their jobs to earn a living to standard and further better living standards. At the age of 60, they should think about themselves more than anything else. They should start living dangerously. Haha, yes, start living dangerously , to make 60 turn and make them realize, just as a motivation, these lyrics from DNCE Cake by the ocean will help 

"Waste time with a masterpiece, don't waste time with a masterpiece (huh)

You should be rollin' with me, you should be rollin' with me (ah-ah-ah)

You're a real-life fantasy, you're a real-life fantasy (huh)

But you're movin' so carefully, let's start livin' dangerously"

 New Thirties! Listen to this song to make you or feel younger! 

Iva's point of view, is Dear Mr and Mrs Sixties, Don't feel low or Don't feel that you have come to an end of the story or nearer. A Big NO to such thoughts. We all knew this "Death is inevitable" , lets not talk about the things which are not in our control. Lets start decreasing drama in our life. We can't eliminate it completely but lets reduce it. Don't be dispiriting. Time in your hands is precious. Earlier, In your Twenties or Thirties,  You might had thousand reasons for not pursuing your passion. For not doing the things which you would love to do. Forget those reasons, cherish the past and dive into the present and time in your hand. Lets start building your passion. Now, it's your chance to reset. Iva's point is not to bring Olympic medals to country. But why not to try table tennis if not tennis , If not football why not chess, If not gymnastics, Why don't we go to Gym and build the muscle or at least save the muscle loss. If not running race why can't we walk 10,000 steps a day. Let's begin!! Let's Incipient! You want to be singer, lets sing it loud ! Go and meet young fellas who are passionate in singing. Join the clubs, meet those music bands , join  and hangout with them. Chase them for an opportunity . Let's go and find it. Don't be shy. Leave the shyness, in your retirement speeches or those farewell parties. Don't think your sixty anymore, always remember that your doing a reset. Hence, your age now turned from sixty to thirty!!!

If you like swimming, lets enjoy being in water as much as you can. Let's open the books and complete the degrees which you were not able to do during your work life or  Let's create another work life with your passion . This time there is no pressure or burden of family. Even if its there just ignore, don't worry! sometimes its okay to keep the load aside. Don't think about society, or those four neighbors around you, they might talk , comment , tease or criticize but eventually they fade in short time. It's your time now, you might have seen everything by now regarding those baseless, obsolescence comments. It's your time, come out of those illusions, fears or encumbrance. Always remember, your new born ! you have done the reset ! your are now with new immunity ! You are transformed to another life with lively, peppy, sprightly!! You’re the one with ZERO FEAR absolutely NO FEAR.

After all, going through so much in life, experiencing many things, Why you need to fear unless you chose being dirty. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone and its according to your heart. Be fearless.  Bigger advantage for you guys in this new life , you no need to have apprehension on competition, or egos. You can be broadminded and celebrate your success in this journey as much as your friend's. Don't be judgmental. Just enjoy the way it is , the way people are, the way things going around you. Try not to preach but share your experiences and learnings around you. Don't believe in negative things or Don't believe in the term "toxic people". Try encouraging people around you in their passions and motivate them. Be a shoulder to your family and friends to lean on when they need you.  As far as Iva's point is try maximum to be positive and share good thoughts , just ignore people when its too much friction and keep moving forward. Be with your friends. Not just your friends but your new friends i.e. your new friends of age thirties or twenties.  Make use of them to help you run fresh thoughts and mind. Always remember always, your age has been reset your now in 30. Enjoy Mr and Mrs. Sixty the new life. Sry , Your now Mr and Mrs. Thirty Not any more sixty. 

 So the rest of the thirty years till you become sixty. You should shine , smile , laugh , travel , eat , workout. Prioritize your health not because you have done reset. Imagine when you are in your actualy thirties or twenties, you used to love yourself . love your body . Take good care of it. Worship your body. Cultivate not just healthy body but healthy mind. You should consume the millennials qualities. Oh wait!  Millennials have gone now. You should blend, mingle , chuckel, jiggle and wiggle with GenZ. Learn there code languages! Be with them ! Spend time with them ! you might have already given time to your grand sons and daughters. It's okay, give some time to do the rest of the things. Because, you got an opportunity now to reset, let's make best out of it. So, balance your time. 

Learn new things. Don't stop learning.  Some might want to paint or draw, just study that and gain knowledge related to that, you can even go and get certified and enjoy the process of doing that. Who is stopping you? Its only you. Learn a new language. Open your books , read them. Write your perceptions . Create videos like GenZ and save them as memory, for next generations to look into . Make it private or public whatever you wish for . Remember your in their world I meant GenZ world, they might be bit rude. So, if any video you publish might receive hatred , bullying and funny comments. Read to receive them , accept them and just do what you like to do. Embrace them. 

To Mrs. new thirties , ladies don't baby sit too much, Of course, you might have those elderly responsibilities to perform for your grand sons and daughters, go ahead and do it. But, give time for yourself too. Create time for yourself. Make it mandate to give time and love yourself. It's much needed now than anytime. Just don't be servants, you give your time and let your daughters and sons take their accountability. Don't let them take you guys for granted. Don't be in kitchen all the time, Just do what you like, you might want to meditate , just do it. You want to be spiritual, just be it. It's time for action not any more thoughts or dreaming days. If you want to study, missed to your matriculation or graduation just do it. If you want to start business, Go for it. There are plenty of opportunities if you start looking out, If you step out, If you give a thought first in your minds. Don’t be boring, Don’t use routine dialogues because that's not we are here. There is so much life left to embrace and enjoy. 

My dear new thirties, enjoy this GenZ generation. Embrace the new changes, Adapt to it, its okay to be slow, but don't forget to move forward. Remember, discussions are better than arguments. Understand this generation, their life style's in all aspects fashion, food etc. and don't condemn things happening around you. Keep sharing the learnings and experiences you guys have gained. 

Expose your thoughts rather impose!
Persist with current changes rather insist!
Define rather confine!

Be open and explore the world. There are plethora of options! 

Begin and end your day by enjoying! Enjoy music ! Enjoy dancing ! Enjoy travelling ! Enjoy workout ! Enjoy reading ! Enjoy ! 

Embrace the unexpected, for within it lies the seeds of wisdom and enlightenment.

Welcome to Thirties !!! 


  1. Your perception of elders, more particularly retired elders, is amazing and stunning. You gave all the advices needed for them. You have encouraged them towards inspired future with enthusiasm and dynamism, but with unforgettable responsibilities too. It is encyclopaedia of stimulating guidance for retirees.


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