Mani - The Gem

Movies have been played significant impact on people till date. Though it might have not bought drastic changes in society but at least gave a dinky thought in audience. Movies are one of the way to influence people either by knowingly or unknowingly. It has that magic to penetrate deeply in audience mind and trigger the conscience. Few directors share the social messages as part of their story telling. Few of them intentionally do this through their movies and the rest of the stories itself demands to convey the social message.Moreover, as an audience most of us will not realize the deep rooted film making like for instance each shot in the movie is part of story telling or each lyric in the song conveys the emotion of the particular episode in the movie, the director uses all of these as part of his story telling. One such artistry, creator , visionary (People who read my previous articles already knew that the source for my articles is from a boy named Avi). He shared one interest...