"Why India is still developing ?" Part I

"India is my country "..we used to start our school days by reading this pledge. With the same responsibility i have written this article ,it's my simple analysis and understanding of Why India is still developing ? Actually , India is one of among the rich nations around the globe like everyone knows.Even a 10th standard school boy answers for my above question as corruption. But i tried a revelation in this article lets look into. It was in my mind from my school days ! believe it or not !!i know i took a hefty topic to deal with. Am glad that am sharing my views and ideas through this podium to all you guys. stay patient and read my protracted,precocious article ever i have written. To begin, I will try to explain from the base i.e. what was exactly happened in before independence and after independence? How people are manipulated? How many of us agree the famous quote many of us read in our school text books "MG-Father of our na***". Did anyone thoug...